Tesla Museum - The Hearts that have Faded

Welcome to our exhibition called "The Hearts that have Faded". The heart of each radio transmitter consisted of a special vacuum tube. These tubes created the high- and low-frequency oscillations in the Liblice, Topolná, Dobrochov and all the other medium- and long-wave transmitters of the past. And these hearts have faded on 31st December 2021. All the medium and long-wave transmitters of the Czech Radio were taken out of service and their transmitting tubes became museum exhibits. We can still receive some private medium-wave radio stations, but their low-power transmitters use semiconductor technology, which is more efficient and reliable, but lacks the warmth and light that the tubes used to produce.

Our colleague, Milan Hurban, took the photographs of transmitter tubes in the era when these hearts were still beating with high-frequency pulses.


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