Tesla K304 Condor |
Year of manufacture: | 1986/88 |
Manufacturer: | Tesla Pardubice in cooperation with the UNITRA company, Poland, and RFT company, GDR |
Wave bands: | FM CCIR up to 104 MHz and OIRT, long wave, medium wave, short wave 19,4 - 50,4 m |
Description: |
Stereo radio receiver with a cassette recorder for mains, battery or external 12 V source operation. 2x 10 W output power, two-way speakers, electronically controlled tape recorder with frequency response up to 12 500 Hz, an input for a turntable with magnetodynamic pickup. Manual or automatic record level control, chrome tape capability, LED modulation meters, dynamic noise limiter, switch for "intimate" listening (softens the sound) and for energy saving operation. The cabinet was made in silver, black or red. One of the most popular Tesla products, it is still sought after by collectors and enthusiasts. Most of the small components and the bass speakers come from Czechoslovakia, the cabinet and tweeter speakers come from Poland, some components are East-German. The look of the cabinet suggests that the speakers can be removed, but they cannot. |